PhD defense of Adrien Thiesson (BUNYA team)

Reminder: Adrien Thiesson will defend his Ph.D. thesis (ED472, EPHE-PSL), entitled "Comparative study of two strains of Toscana virus and impact of viral genetic diversity on its replication cycle. " On Friday November 3rd, 2023, at 2:00 pm in the G2 amphitheater on the Gerland campus (UCBL1, 50 avenue Tony Garnier, 69007 Lyon).

Comparative study of two strains of Toscana virus and impact of viral genetic diversity on its replication cycle

Toscana virus (TOSV) is a sandfly-transmitted arbovirus that circulates in Mediterranean countries, where it is one of the main causes of encephalitis and meningitis during the summer season. Among the strains isolated, two genetic lineages have been identified (named A and B). However, the relationship between inter-lineage genetic diversity and viral pathogenicity or vector competence remains unknown. Therefore, his project aims t to identify the genetic determinants impacting the viral cycle, pathogenicity, and transmission of Toscana virus. To do this, he used the reverse genetics system developed within the team (Alexander et al., 2020) and studied different steps of the viral replication cycle (such as entry and viral particle morphogenesis) in human cells. His thesis work shows that the genetic variability of TOSV has a strong impact on the biological properties of this virus and that the viral determinants involved differ depending on the mammal or insect context.

Alexander et al., 2020

Modification date : 30 October 2023 | Publication date : 19 October 2023 | Redactor : MR