BSL3 lab

The BSL3/I3 platform (50 m2) is a biosafety level 3 laboratory adapted for handling class 3 viral pathogens and their insect vectors (eg mosquitoes, Culicoides, sandflies…).
Opened in 2006 as a standard BSL3, this platform evolved towards an I3/BSL3 facility. Since 2012, it offers equipment allowing in vitro and in insecto experimentations.
The laboratory is part of the UMS3444/US8 (assembling diverse "state of the art" platforms of imaging, cytometry, animal husbandry core facility, protein science …) and is integrated into the regional platform Anira, labeled IBiSA, member of the National Research Infrastructure Celphedia (
The BSL3/I3 platform is managed by Marie-Pierre Confort , with the help of Céline Garnier.

Do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

See also