Funded Projects

  • ANR-PRC – SERIOUS (WP Leader)

Social and Environmental RIsk factors in the emergence of mOsquito-borne diseases in Urban areaS

  • HORIZON-RIA (CL6-2021-BIODIV-01) - BECOMING (Partner)

Biodiversity conservation to mitigate the risks of emerging diseases

  • INRAe DAPP – RESEDAPP (Coordinator)

Réseau de Surveillance Entomologique et Détection précoce d’Arbovirus en appui aux Politiques Publiques

“Network of Entomological Surveillance and Early Detection of Arboviruses in Support of Public Policies”

  •  INRAe DIGIT-BIO Metaprogram – MIDIIVEC (Coordinator)

Modélisation et inférence de la dynamique d’infection intra-vecteur à partir de données expérimentales

“Modeling and inference of intra-vector infection dynamics from experimental data”

Integrative and multidisciplinary tools for the study of infectious diseases from the wild to the lab

  • INRAe GISA Metaprogram – FORESEE (Coordinator)

Virus-host-environment interplay and drivers behind pathogen emergence, spread and persistence: Rift Valley fever (RVF) as a case study

  • Université de Lyon Scientific Breakthrough Program – MICROBEHAVE (WP Leader)

Microbial Impact on Insect Behavior: from Niche and Partner Choice to the Development of New Control Methods for Pests and Disease Vectors



