Teaching and internship

We are very involved in scientific, medical and veterinary education, either through their responsibilities as university teaching modules or by welcoming and supervising students. Do not hesitate to contact us by email by sending CV and cover letter to the team leaders.

Graduate school

The UMR754 is attached to the E2M2 graduate school (Evolution Ecosystems Microbiology Modeling) of Lyon 1 University, which groups together 11 research units. All teams can host PhD students either on dedicated research finances or as part of the recruitment competition (June-July) of the doctoral school. 
If you wish to join us for a PhD, visit the graduate school website to access the projects or directly contact us.

Lyon 1 university

  • Pulmonary medicine DFASM1, Medical school (Pr Nicolas Girard; Pr Jean-François Mornex, Pr Vincent Cottin)
  • DES of pulmonary medicine, (Pr Jean-François Mornex)

Veterinary school


  • "Molecular and Cell Virology" (Dr Maxime Ratinier) as part of the Master Biology Health Ecology (BSE) . Objectives: Acquire fundamental knowledge in the field of virology based on molecular aspects, viral replication strategies and virus-host interactions.
  • "Emerging and reemerging pathogens" (Dr Maxime Ratinier) as part of the "Biology Health Ecology"Master. Objectives: To understand the molecular mechanisms and identify the key factors (climatic, societal, ...) involved in the emergence or reemergence of pathogens in humans, animals and plants.


We welcome students of all grades. Among them, student in Master degrees:

We also like to share our passion for research with the youngest ones

Do not hesitate to contact the group leaders for more information