IVPC in action against SARS-CoV-2

We are partner of different projects on Sars-Cov2, among which the ANR CovidNanoMed project, led by Bernard Verrier of the UMR LBTI (CNRS-Univ Lyon 1).

CovidNanoMed project (ANR funding) aims to develop nanoparticles containing therapeutic candidates against SARS-CoV-2 and intended for the pulmonary route. Therapeutic molecules will be formulated in a robust and safe nanoparticulate system. Their antiviral efficacy will be tested in vitro on new pulmonary cellular models (2D, 3D) mastered by the team of Fabienne Archer. Their release into the respiratory tract will be evaluated in vivo after administration by nasal or pulmonary route in animals. It should make it possible to identify at least one nanomedicine that can quickly be subject to regulatory toxicity assessment. Coordinated by the CNRS, this project also brings together the Infectious Disease Modeling and Innovative Therapies laboratory (CEA, Univ. Paris Saclay, Inserm, Institut Pasteur, ANRS, Société OncoDesign / Bertin Pharma).

Since recently, we have been partners in two large-scale European projects: 

  • Horizon Europe CL6-BIODIV “BCOMING project : Biodiversity Conservation to mitigate the risks of emerging Infectious diseases”  [PI J Cappelle CIRAD, 14 partners among which IVPC] – Sars-Cov-2, others emerging virus
  • Horizon Europe Research Infrastructures Programmes :  “ISIDORe : Integrated services for infectious disease outbreak research” [consortium of 17 european entities among which INRAE -IVPC ] Sars-Cov-2, others emerging virus